THE RYAN5: Seth, Jennifer, Abigail, Ashley, & Carson

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


This is a part of Maui... gorgeous Hawaii!

So, Seth and I traveled to Hawaii (Oahu and Maui) on behalf of him earning the trip for being in the top 6% of sales in 2011 for his job with Marriott.  We were ecstatic to learn in December that we were going to Hawaii, just the two of us, with great perks from Marriott!  Way to go Seth!  We were gone for 11 days, the first few days having an agenda of meals, activities, awards with Marriott and other employees, and then the remainder of the trip being on our own.  Thank you Marriott (and Seth) for everything!  We have to say that Ko'Olina and Maui were our favorites, being absolutely beautiful.  Paradise  :)

In Oahu... just about to board the Atlantis Submarine!

Let me tell you, the first day in Hawaii we decided to take our first surfing lesson.  I never knew there was such an art to surfing.  It's not just a "pick a good wave and stand up and look cool" type deal.  Seth's fun ended abruptly when he cut his foot on some reef.  The beach first aid rinsed his heel and wrapped it up.  After worrying about his wound for 2 days (and re-bandaging as good as we could) we stopped at a clinic.  They cleaned it out (still found sand and a tiny piece of seaweed in his heel), stocked us up with antibiotic cream & bandages, checked infection off the list for now(whew!), and advised to stay out of the water (ocean & pool) because of bacteria.  Bummer to hear this at the beginning of our vacation, but it could have been worse.  Honestly, I'm better at helping deliver babies and not cleaning out wounds!  Oh yeah, I sampled the ocean water for both of us a few days later  :)

Waimoku Falls... a gorgeous waterfall that we finally saw at the end of a 2 hour hike.  Hiking back was much quicker without all the picture-taking!  The vegetation and waterfalls were so worth seeing.  Anna & Scott - we were thinking of you, knowing how you love to hike!

OUR WEDDING VOW RENEWAL...  (April 29, 2012)

It all started with Seth telling me has a surprise for me in Hawaii (before we even left home).  Ooooh, I love Seth's surprises, but I do admit that I get really nervous!  I seriously thought it was a helicopter ride, but kept telling him how scared I was and how I didn't want to go on one!  He would just grin that grin of his and say he's not telling.  Then, 5 days into our trip, he told me I would be getting my surprise on that very day.  We arrived to the JW Ihilani beach resort in Ko'Olina, Hawaii (a gorgeous place - paradise) and I asked him if we should make dinner reservations at their restaurant and when he replied, "I already made them for 7:00" my wheels started turning.  I knew it was not a helicopter ride... whew!  While getting ready for our supposed dinner Seth had laid out my clothes... this beautiful white dress and sandals (2 of each in different sizes just in case!).  He had shopped with all 3 kids on a Saturday while I was at work and bought our white attire all by himself!  And, the girls even had to keep it a secret... amazingly they did (a 7 and 4 year old)!  Of course I immediately got teary and knew exactly what my surprise was  :)  We will be celebrating our 10 year wedding anniversary this September 14 and Seth arranged for us to renew our beloved wedding vows on the beach in Hawaii (and have a photographer use our camera as well).  We walked out to this beach known as "Secret Beach" and there was a priest waiting for us.  It was a gorgeous view and a most beautiful occasion.  After the blessings from the priest we were able to share words with each other separately, or shall I say we choked on our words with tears, both of us.  It was such an incredible moment in time.  (Helicopter ride or wedding vow renewal in the lovely land of Hawaii?  I should have known he'd be so creative).  He is absolutely amazing.  I love him to pieces.  Thank you, my dear Seth.

Secret Beach

The Road to Hana

The Road after Hana... check out the narrow road (for 2 lanes), horrible patchwork bumps, desert-like with the beautiful blue ocean water nearby, yet so beautiful

Makena Beach

A beautiful rainbow out our balcony. We saw a few rainbows daily!


My view while suntanning!

Thank you hubby for a fabulous vacation!  Thank you to Gramma Barb, Great-Auntie Leslie, Grampy Randy & Grammy Pam for taking such good care of our Abby, Ashley, & Carson.  


  1. I choked up on the wedding vow renewal.... how sweet :)

  2. Oh I love it!! Brings back memories of our honeymoon! Gorgeous pics and I love the last pic of you guys. you are such a cute couple!!! Welcome back to reality :)

