THE RYAN5: Seth, Jennifer, Abigail, Ashley, & Carson

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

Smooch to Grammy!!!

Our sweet little bunnies on Easter! Thank you, Grammy Pam, for their Easter outfits! You have remarkable talent!

Last week...

I have to share this... Starting last Sunday night my little Abby got sick at 2:00 a.m., vomiting right on her bedroom floor. She felt so bad for not making it to the toilet. For two days she was couch-ridden, had a fever, diarrhea, no appetite, and was very quiet (whoah!). On the 3rd day she improved and finally went back to school on the 4th day. Ha, on Wednesday night Ashley got sick at 1:45 a.m., vomiting in her hands and leaving a trail from her bedroom to the bathroom. She also felt so bad for not making it to the toilet! Exactly 5 minutes later Carson got sick, vomiting in his crib. Placing Carson side-by-side with Ashley on the bathroom floor, I panicked a little, trying to decide what to do... because Seth was on a business trip and I was all alone! Seriously, I don't really complain when my husband is gone, but this... all 3 kids being sick at the same time! Ahhhh! I had to be tough and show my kids that I could handle this! Ashley was couch-ridden for 2 days, but she didn't have the nasty diarrhea like Abby did (until days later); she puked about every hour all day long (poor thing). The next night Carson woke up at 1:00 a.m. calling "mama, dada, mama, dada, home." Did he miss Daddy? Mommy sure did! Then, poor Ashley woke up at 2, 3, 4, and 5:00 a.m. vomiting. Needless to say, I had to call into work that day saying "ill childREN" and prayed I wouldn't get it. Seth came home the next day, thank God. He managed to miss most of the fun! It's now Sunday, one week later, and I still haven't had it. Sure hope I'm in the clear. All the kids have barely eaten all week (really easy at meal times!), Ashley still has a fever on and off, and I just couldn't wait to get out of the house to work this weekend! I have cleaned, washed, sanitized, done all that I possibly can to clear these nasty stomach bug germs from our house...

1 comment:

  1. Carson's hat is the best! So sorry to hear about the germ infestation. I'm sure the purel didn't leave your side! In those moments when you just don't know what to do, don't you just want to laugh and remember how much your life changed from 10 years ago when all we had to take care of was ourselves.
